Organic Food - Pardon the Dust

February 10, 2015

Hello to all,

We're preparing to publish our content and begin building our vision of a community of communities.

Watch the space over the next week to see our first article on The Future of Piracy.


metanomalies' - noun plural - derived from

'meta' - a prefix added to a subject designating analysis of it at an abstract, higher level;

'anomaly' - something unusual or unexpected.

10 fundamentals that we are about:

Liberation of energies potent for release in the given unlimited moment

_Providing an environment which aims to be free from self-serving conditionals, most particularly those externally imposed and from above. Offering when asked for mutual supports and collaborations; and offering all facility that can be made available so as to allow good ideas and prospects to mature and blossom  _

  • Breaking ground, crashing barriers, exploding the commonplace, finding new ways

Embracing the new technologies and the ungoverned freedom of the web so as to create new forms of working for rewards. Creating a ‘clearinghouse’ for ideas and attempts that aim at creation ways of working and doing business not governed by the prevailing ethos of dominion and aggregation

  • Community and cooperation; two before one and three before two.

Homer writes:’ When two go together; one sees before the other’. This saying instances the beneficial nature of non-hierarchical collaborations aiming for a general good by way of specifically detailed projects

  • Adventure and commitment over above star mega-incomes

This represents an attempt to move away from the ‘classic’ ‘golden calf’ outlook.  Wherein outshining others with one’s great individual wealth becomes the evidence for such success.  Chasing ego dreams becomes instead satisfaction and reward from sharing experience and commitment

  • Ultra-diversified creativity earning temperately competent returns

Technically and politically to embrace as wide a spectrum of divergence as this general manifesto will allow. Even with room for more conservative-minded affiliates situated on the cusp of the core values of metanomalies

  • Scope, energy, grip, response, regarding the unique in the situation

The essence here is exploitation of ideas and potentials; to get the most out of any projects that members run with, and to give space for members themselves to grow and develop and so grab hold of the enjoyments to be found in non-dominated working spaces.

  • Latitude and toleration, contingency without dogma

No coercion. Ever an availability to opt-out.  Commitment and engagement voluntarily given.  Latitude to object and dissent on reasonable grounds.  No preset conditions - these bullets all represent desirables and are not on stone tablets

  • Conserving past gains into a retrieved future

Aiming at making something new, but not rejecting the past wholesale. Members bringing with them what is felt good and useful in the present and the past; to import these into a collective vision for a better more reasonable and unconflicted future

  • Establishing viable, trusted and desirable working alternatives

By trial and testing of ideas and projects that establish over time good working practices, rendering adequate rewards; and which are truly a radical break from the dog eat dog, race to the top, peer pressure that represent the present norms of business and social ideals

  • Freeform societies whose affairs conduct themselves; self-righting communities administered by uncontrived consensus

Disputes and discords that arise aim to to be arbitrated through the decisions of the common consensus of members; or of that number who choose to concern themselves with any discrete issue.  The basis of such a ‘justice’ is what the ordinary metanomalies like-thinking joe and joanne believes is equitable and appropriate to the occasion.