May 31, 2020
Ultra vires: Wise Nature stands not back nor does concede;
Thank God its primogeniture thrives beyond parted knees
Of bossy politicians giving birth to wanton powers
And the scientist men who do their best with floppy try-squares
Not Nature needs a seed alliance, that shores up heaping sands
Ground, crumbling, under factoids, huis clos consultations,
The lie guys meet the scry guys who brought in your bulk pollutions
As their debonair solutions
This tag team gone up wrestling grasps to work controls
With folds that sprawl the man, they cannot set their holds
On mutable fouweather straits; untethered, free, realised;
Nor e'en a vaccine
They've brought forth proof-imposing guilts, panache of supervision,
Powerful fears, and Sergeant Bilko-like assorted non-provision
First close your pliant minds, thereafter park all high street shopping
Keen to be seen to be doing, with a bully plan to hand
And from the start, and by their art, the theory men were hoisted
All reliance on the science set-up by the drive-by guys
First point you up the white coats, add them stature, pole position
When (wonder!) broader Nature breaches: shoot now your clinician!
These plaything white gowned figures are as cloths to wipe the floor with
The rabid clawed establishment instinct rips-out their maws,
Such gullible and faithful help relabel Abels all;
Feed for the fabled tabloid news, trashed in the accustomed way
For sure hard science in itself can't bomb, make a wrong play,
It's a violence to science that would temporise away
With erring criticism, one's good hand that keeps them clean,
You must assume for form believers' favours, since the pig
You worship on your table hosts a modified genome
Keep them intact these wrinkled facts of pure pellucid whiteness
For after all, incoming squalls shall cause you call to witness
The invidious signboard selves whose ruses tenderise the language
Which bankrolls fooled transsexuals, gender-frees; who thrust this ticket
Ah, yes, do blame the man, and not sin, you must endeavour
Whatever to forgive it, it's the man's disposable –
There's tarred and feathered Ferguson – they sacked unfit – you geddit?
His vanity was ask for huge resources, computations
A sum beyond the known-world, all extents akimbo
Yet, Nature keeps the feet that validate even an Agamemnon
Gone marching, marking, marring, the red carpet – overweening;
Those whose delights are sleights of piebald sublimations,
Bigged unkempt ideas
Those emblematic coffers of the sop, celebrity
Declared here are the man (or woman) scientist as pictured
By pen and ink sketch; corpus, odour, of the highest rank
Themselves evangelists announcing their decoy messiah
As if the kith of god - but not of God, nor humble,
Nor yet straight-stated, separated, selfless ones in mission
Nor persons placed much lower than that Principal they serve
Not persons whose earth revolves by Plan, not accident of being,
By marvellous wonder worker Love's immensity
Yet lo, the Nobel seekers, the would be breakers of the living God
(One whom they cannot know from cloned Monsanto corn-on-cob)
So as to have their day to hold high sway in titulum
Carry it off as priests, to think, unleash, uncounted fiction
Stayed up by pledge to fledge their science, grow it wings,
Unawares in the self of a self's gyrations, ego strings
Enmeshing intemperate would be gratulative grand designs
The primordial brew of the parvenu; achiever's neat moonshines
And yes, there are here other fish; inmates of politics
Whose cues, illusions blatant; the adventured undeceived,
Boldly their Big Lie hits the nub of all things they construe
Sieve grandly betraying atheist candours in their crippled hearts
No bigger thing than I myself is; plus – (sad) - my career
Loss of a finger or a friend is better than their craven steer
Which settles others' hashes and by which they seek to climb
Ambition to a darling apex; and we people are their mime
Scientists, politicians then; the Sadducees; the Scribes
Entangling in their words, and casting runic knuckle bones,
Incorporated unitary into a group prognosis,
Hymns the godfathers-of-lies in this unholy Game of Thrones