After the Fall
June 06, 2020
There’s a great plague gone out among men
Gone out among male, among female, sleek and thin
The street trader of the heart wastes as a blast among us
The counsels of the breast resist, get sheared apart
A broken basket is our fill of amiable good cheer
A stolen smile removed and brittle cools our kindliest acts
In the circles of our thoughts there goes no flow of comfort
Only the hard crust leftovers of dry beginnings
The person who respects considers pride to be sufficient
The common highways trawl from all resorts and places
Appointments made with bad excuse and better left unkept
An iniquity of soul wills to deceive our lives
All days are spent in evil, spotted, varnished that they hide,
But show only the more our tarnish-blotched distempers
And spreads the spores down history’s hours; a distribution
As like a hidden hand sowing ergodic grains
This is the breadth, the girth, contours of bread and butter brains
There’s not a dolt nor highbrow is not surely soiled
A member of that number who the world has ransacked
Whose manner quickens at a squint of fingerprinted money
The people’s local illness inroads all occasion
Always athirst as primal first before the other
Once sated, away, nor give a thought more to the leavings
This theme is the human genome’s print, and mints to self deliver.
As persons for certain we home upon a lonely earth
Living severed the more severely by inward esteems
The elixirs the pasions, the contradictions closet dreams;
In crepuscular arbours a strife for departures Damascene