Data Day
June 09, 2021
“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it”
Dust lifted up spreads, blooms, a cloud on visibility
The ponderers of speculation dally. Add in admixture
Of fear.
The peers of possession proud allow elect prowess;
Are sensitives to inference abides in cute remarks
Here these assessors gather day on day and talking through
Smithereens of processed textured nested information
Hear what prevents fleet thought endue the elegant mind
Stir-up a stimulation peroration simulation
Amongst their rousing witnesses
The aim to mess; and make second-guess on broader nature
Across the fosse, on level plains are rival cities built
On silts deposited as proofs against millennia
Compacted that men should not know; only endeavour:
A comprehensive revelation of their Odyssey
Down mountain; into valley; rolling on the turbulence wave
Stayed time a little here; upstream disposed; an aeon later
Along anon, so to become a couch that cofts their city
Conglomeration mayhem-swept, of populations dizzy
Far-gone on home-grown busyness, inside the cellphone whale
Concealed, congealed, absorbed, rapt inwardly...
Of such importance
Co-opposites, their rivals in affairs
Complete the pairs, share oppositions’ needs, en-suite survive
Connected twins; one thrives, the other cannot ail
Dependency is solved on mutual dialectic
The froths, the hests, the smokes, the obfuscations hectic
Bloom as a plume that makes their nonsenses elective
Purporting purpose; a vast transporting circus
The undertakers of all teleology
Here hears one too much masticated speech
News-cover chewed over; data vitiated, violated
Forcing of sourcing spins bumbaste in bins too full
A wrench of intent adjointures weapons bent on battle
So contraries in foes; the prize a novel
With narrative declaims the future lies this way
Spectacular awful forecasts morph to lawful broadcasting
Repartee for the day
Stronghold constructs of sands built on compacted clay;
Great was the fall of that house when the winds and weather blew