Death’s Comedy

November 10, 2020

Death’s a comedic landslip

Hand-scripted in black-letter matching grievous mourning cards

Burial’s the departing door’s disposal

Adios, au revoir? Auf Wiedersehn?

Nor never again

On this patch as the clods of God’s odd universe; as

Gags that go drunk in the night, despite of pight’s illumination

The rite is sped; it’s inhumation

Dismissing all

Carpets rolled up, and curtains’ certainty accomplished

The car goes for overhaul by vocal overalls clad in caps

Ciphers whose views, the clues to, you choose not to map.

As one named driver the lone survivor upon the evening watch

Dark is the mask of mystery

A state of affairs impairs – you can’t see

Beyond there’s sunrise supplies a looked for future

And’s speculated on, as if a given feature

A ceremonial half-subliminal fact of nature

Day, day, day, day, day.


Comes in one morning when aurora’s dawning over thanatos

A line is forming to catch a cab to ouranos

By your side, should there be, a touring guide, like Virgilus

Per omnibus

This is an ancient death; a fallen leaf denuded of the tree

There in the garden sported fair, decorously

But being looked on no more, no longer an actuality


The course of whims blow change; so arrange themselves nefariously

Over the clover we tread; no dread; imperiously

Company for-the-times, are our all-time certainties

Letting in leet thalassa waters, murmured imperviously

Swarming steadfastly

Feeding the mills, which turn the wheels revolve globed planets

Providing spring daffodils, and fish for standing-sentry gannets

And rides on the broadside paddles, spanking out a liquid ballet

New generation

Rereading of Newton’s Laws maintains a conservation

A loss achieves a gain; as once becomes amain; and ever bests all-time

So collide with demise, recess, and rest your eyes, cadaver,

Met meek with light surprise