Flee from the Wrath to Come

November 14, 2017

Go low into the earth, defend you from the wrath, Here sentience knows no comfortable berth besides Where works The Thunderer tender-set against self-harms: We riddle, chat, rat-catching one another for the stars we climb

Haphazard scimitars sideslice barbarically collateral computations Smooth-curl commiserate circulated cotton candy folds Done risibly, wise thieves sale-surfeit conurbations stringing soaps on sands Affective sidesteps betake perforce availing palates: Forth bursts the fries and sandwich affluence;

These showpieces the signs; mind-ciphers, verbal messages Lasso the world hand-tailored into major constellations Heading up halos centripetal undermining sentry sense Conquering by conversion, consign commend condemning,

And after settlement follows reparation, comes consolidations work A warp goes gathering divides dividing gatherers syncopates The syndicates, checkmating, by weighting dice do calculating Hard and fast pushed smartly past beyond all conversation, consolation]]