November 26, 2017
Makes a blank evolution, turning like a slow elephant
On a box, in a circus, blindfold
Takes up proffered buns, a willing trunk, and grasping
There is no other fare
Where is the tamer, the cicus master, cowering small?
An Oz at a desk in Whitehall eating foie de gras
With an ornate bookcase, reading lamp and a mannered way
Certain of ways the world turns, appositely sure
A little worldly-weary, dreary, acceptant how it goes
Is how it goes, and who am I to balk?
There fits no lustre in this paloured eye; The Ritz
His watering-hole
Therefore his world is our world and it turns off true
Thoughtlessly, allowing all things coming, room
As if inevitable, progress is in the bag
To go, as fast food, sweaty, noisome, and who cares?
Masters of titilations, entertainer news
And views casters, regular suits, haute lectern-leaning hands,
Disperse, dispense, on doctor’s orders parsley stuffing ground
With thyme, content for ritual fowl
Encaged, engaged for sofa-ridden visions
Get out the knives; the enemies of State
Regardless do no wrong but gets reported cold,
All things for bad the proper of the day each day
Read, mark and learn, there is no other vestibule
Aplomb scholastic mien hoves inspiring on their heads
As they sing antiphons of gorgeous hallows
The very TV winces at their cardboard cut-out front
And advocations
The multinational nations are divided; sheep and goats,
(Gateses and Zukerbergs keep them in their surly pay
Retainers in the vainer sorts of tacit intfluence
Embedded.) In many lands
Where overridden practically by this free-rein of power
By Dysons, Goldman Sachs, and Rockerfellas
And this is normal; never noted, castigated, on the news;
The Gravy Train
Instead turns bends on tracks where women struggle, caught
Sequestered, tied by men, face certain death,
Unless Houdini-like they wrestle nobly free
Upraise themselves
To doing what the men do but do so better,
The sport, the elevated things of daily life,
The news reviews, the educative documentaries,
Wielding an Occam’s axe grinding their whitened teeth
Changing a people’s party-changeable beliefs
Nodding at gender-change and rehabilitations
Of those outside the pale; outside the pale go fiends
Like Newton’s Laws applied in social engineering
Equal and opposite transitions on their transfer lists
As if only room for Lenny at the Premier Inn
And Jesus in a stable with the least livestock
The foreigners bearing gifts are likewise straight exiled
Jerusalem, that’s England’s pleasant promised land
Is hostile, they go back another way.
Thus under wraps are clothed the fields so whitely-ripe
For harvest in this land of milk and high-end honey
Run by the powers of complaisance and hallowed money
That’s all from me, for now, goodnight. (Unfunny.)