Political Gaming Show
April 10, 2018
Those bandy back shows of squatters studied picking in junk piles
And the big bird overlord absurd presides inspects their finds
As the dust flies upwards like the sparks of global trouble
Coating all things with fine films, where else could these thrive?
Bluff watchers semiotics masters gauging word for word
Evaluative, as well at once directional
Stroke on their beards and fervent epilated torsos
On what to be sold at auction what domestic use
To be fed to oven fires and so to make their daily bread
Or like good Holy Mary, to be pondered, treasured up
Announcements of spot gospel gnomons on forbidden truths
Wrapped in the thorny rings of unforgiving lies
Blessed formative informations of the virtual kind
Are Baedekers of the tourist haunts amongst enquiring minds
Pokes pointing to burning Reichstags, salt in cold Siberian mine,
The percolators, purpose-makers, make use and borrow time
On a dungheap in Johannesburg sit brawny brown-skinned blacks
Picking the bones as titbits left from others’ niggard snacks
Eking a living, by love forgiving, the family of man
Making of music mislocates their homes to Disneyland
In the indolent mind’s eye quavering on their vibrant scores
Dredged of the soils of shanty towns and of root defiance
Coiled against serpent circumstance; its astute and moot alliance
With the bandy back show squatters picking trophies from their hands
Glad to post them, inland service, crossrail, packet second class
Parcelled in gaudy gift wrap, branded, pure perfect under glass
The true definitive birthday present sorted to the door;
So many answers romance on the questions
And yes, there are questions only; to be finely framed,
By occupation thoughtfully, and then not lightly aimed,
As though an arrowed battle blade of casual human war
Or plied in thin defence, defiance hurtles to the floor
The week’s refractories; club phylacteries aides memoire:
Do keep one’s shoulders back, arms levelled up, attend the score
Those virulent violent pony rides our prattle preens and dreams
On Self-importance Beach; but so; low lonely question streams
In the stony deserts two a cent, of public washroom swathes
Made marketable product in marginal and castoff trades,
Here winter keeps dead Homer, next to him, in prayers parade,
Sweet Julian and strong Andrewes, precious tested in their graves
Sooth souls recruit with questions answering needfulmost enquiry
A Cup-a-Soup, a jerk, might careless spill and slop their covers
The hunter gatherer pickers of the midden heaps for pottage
Untraveled in their minds, stare necks resolved, unmoved; not got it
Bandy back show piece pickers skim again their killing fields
They monetise ersatz ammunitions from their shrapnel finds
Dispatch by batch to rat-catchers, armfuls at clubbing stations
Self-poisoned by their field-remains from former fights
Great gracious High Lord of Heaven send us a feater light!
Great gracious Lord of Heaven with us through the thickest night!