The Closed Shop of Life
November 25, 2020
Things hung, hang left undone
The hair wraps, dietitian's fat-bum checks
No pit-stop weight patrols, your eating gallop’s uncontrolled
The milliner’s; the occasional short snack
At Morrison’s a tea and a cream bun
In shock; all’s gone
And all the world’s temptations
Day-Glo, fly at you, suck you down into a lower hell
The paper-clips of life have lost their calmer uses
Deadair-pump generators sit, beating no juices
Hung like a turkey on a rail and waiting on the buy
Or as a long slow video show; your Internet’s away
There was your life, no spare; that simple round of things
Here has become a purgatory of waiting times
A mausoleum of just-might-haves, the summer’srinds
And what, put on the spot, is there, declare, but hair to do?
Looming room opens, comes unspoken subtle space
See, see it grinning, the mad reflection of your face
Sat in a gondola passing over a crystal crossing place
Words seeming unavailable, and explanation faint
Here are you seeing yourselves, each other in half-light
Of reasonings unfathomed, in speculation’s wraiths
You call out; to one another; but you’re out of range
And swells the jellied waters bearing clear away
Into a focal distance at a point infinity
That one glance through this doorway into wildperhaps
This self, its ghostly portent, with it goes what it meant
Left only leavings; bereaving thought’s accompaniments
As if, holding your hand, had ferried on its way,
To you, only masked avenues, heart-heard, leftas a dower
Thoroughfares, almost freakawares, but unconsidered, lost
Despair’s insignia “Here be dragons” mounted so it seemed
Such invitations to pursue?- enough to have had bad dreams
Colourists at the hair salon grow pale in one’s long thinking
Little trysts at the teashop; cups go crack, stop clinking
All the affairs of Tupperwares and Avon Calling
Your kapok cushioned life passed on, and turned rice pudding
Here rare there rears pariah compères of spectre game shows
The last placed domino of six by six stacked up has fallen
A terror-cell of insects scattersunder a wet tarpaulin
What are these?... La nausea pensee, so much appalling.
Walking the regular route a vast sink-hole rims, opens up
A delivery van withhand-picked fruit slips lost into it
This version of life's short-handed, can no longer turn your wheel
That way you used to burn up
Fired octanes on the surface
Slide through all the ides and nones obstreperously
No quarter: underwater, there you never sauntered
Nor reconnoitred in your mind
So how since sails lie limp and gales sing lullabies
And your boat engine power emits just six slapped haddock
How might your thoughts recursive, curséd, had come to stop
When stop became the a la mode convention?
And hereon down the road come forms too maladroit to mention
Askings of things mistold, come shuffling, scrolled fast-forwards
Long throws into furrowed futures; calling tongue-compactedfreights
Indelicate entrails talk, foresee-through what is certain,
That would be hid; rose curtained queues behind cued curtains
An ending to kids’ pass-the-popcorn; thebacon’s credit gone
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