The Global Fairy Tale

October 06, 2017

Dressed all invincible without a hint of flaw

Tan, tattoos, shorts, the largesse mighty men

Sling-on, as sword, for attitude – and candy dolls

Lolling, profiterolling, outfitted in cakes

Conceptual worlds away

Here, an image of myself, reached, as you also, soon

Enough, upon a floor

Hand laid expanded, half extended, at a grasp


Nearby a hallway door, part-open; feeds a passage:

Composing lines of message: come, come, dusty death.

Partakers, actors, fakers of the street hyperbole

By glamours’ enamours braided, stand persuaded to

Perceive a bland machine-made home-espoused Gondwanaland

Of oh, so, comic, economic, foolish retail rage

Designer cornucopias end in manufactured junk

Consumer-drug bad-habits lightsome-happy make the shops

Sky-highs deliver transiency transcendence. Underworlds

Whirl lows, with blows and snows, enormities of grey

Conceptual worlds away

All singing; all at dance; one steal from recognisance

Though be next door that floor whereon the body stricken flung;

No room from entertainment to awaken, and enquire

The drams of sweet inhalant vapings tranquilise

In sub-sufficiency to stop red-blood realities.

Concentering wits’ remits expound banality –

Its virtual toys

There on another planet not two streets away

Brusque insignificant others in their safe selves stowaway

Packed-up their tinder-dreams within their little moiles of knowledge

Whole carnival wish-worlds, subsisting different places

Inside blank heads infatuate aplomb with airs and graces

Where form in darkest pools, immersed affrighted faces

Uncalled for as unseen, unless in movie runs,

Their quantum multiverse the eye salutes and one by one

As prophesied by triflers scries of shotgun roulette wheels.

Come cotton candy comforts, these spree-egos round them up

Apropos equities endorsed by deals just landed

Nowhere, except Messiah, may desperation find gainsay

For here no foxes holes, nor nests, nor cover, lends

God's witnesses – who counts them, who amounts them current coin?

Wherefore our state a demotic business brothel