What Has to be Turned Around (and Will Be)
February 20, 2020
Stick-pins swirl the cosmos, egging billion slave-will deeds, on, on,
A fight-field chaos
Scores - beggar all metaphor - intend - inventions teeming
One axe replaces one axe, cutting down old axes
A bite, a bite defeases, bleeds a cut that rills
Cleaving an opportunity a gap to fill
Slice, hack that down; this may not be withholden
Carve through the nerve, divide ham from the bone
Come cluster, make attack; break out that snap
That hard-boiled delectating dream force might desires to get
Its unguent dark heart matter
Possession within possession, daemon fire that must rush forth
Declares the deed deliberated done
Asserts a patent mark on action hard; its parlous pressure
Worked up builds gaping holds, full signifiers, soiled
Remembrancers wrenched of hest, to stark hard object
Endorsing passion having had its remit's end,
Carved in as target name
Mad cast into a brook as headlong rock; dishevels
Time's wandering waters somewhat for a little day
Or cut down from the sky wide craters off the moon
With surge, whose purge goes upwards; must, to be bereaved
Else otherwise demise repines repressions.
Rapine, excess, importunes, kisses, makes an entry
Nor stop, nor halt be brooked; no curb, nor menace
Ten to the power of force forever figures for no bounds
Expectant goad its goals, impel the wishful will
Impel, impress, impose; the final rise possessing
The last fought conquered hill
Here's hectic flashing brands gone-throwing, streaking knife-like fire
Betrayal in our hearts departs all civil rumour
Conceit comes a coquette, clone-egos live in mausolea